Out doing something different this morning. walking . By myself. And enjoying the beautiful morning
While listening to Brene Brown, I’m reminded of why I like her. A woman who is not afraid to be vulnerable, brave, speak her truth and challenge belonging and being alone , calling out BS and being open ! Have you read her work? I have . I am reading through Daring Greatly now.
See of late I’ve had a hard time being with myself and my own thoughts. I watch my children be deep in that same struggle and I struggle to know How to help . You can read some about my daughers struggle which began some 4 years ago here.
I realize that as a mother and a business owner, what I can do is speak my truth and challenge my thoughts and try to be an example to others. Thus my walk and thinking 🤔 and coming home feeling empowered
If others , my children included, choose to follow, that is their choice. I pray they do . In the meantime I choose truth , vulnerability 😊willing to admit mistake and striving to live extraordinary!! Will you join me ??