Dream Big!
Follow your Dreams!
Dare to be great!
Do you hear all those sayings ? Do they have a special meaning to you?
Of course I see those sayings around with every visit to Home Goods or TJ Max. I have Follow your Dreams on my goal board that I’m looking at right now. Go for it!! Go for the dream!!!
When I look back to growing up though We didn’t really talk about dreams in our house. With the exception of the dreams we had while we slept. We were a happy middle class conservative family and that’s the way it was.
Then enter my life, married, having kids, moving from nursing to wellness and all this talk about goals and dreams.
I have been reflecting on this recently as this weekend Roger Barnett the CEO and owner of Shaklee, the company I have partnered with the last 18 years will be in town. He will be talking not about the company but more Entreprenurship and how to leaverage yourself in todays’ America. How to Dream again ! How to be your own boss as he has for much of his career and find success in it.
I would have never imagined I would be here, anticipating listeing to Roger Barnett and being so excited to bring as many people to hear him as possible.
I like to tell others that I am excactly where I want to be although I didn’t know this was exactly what I needed.
“Other companies count on you to create their value. At Shaklee we reward you for the value you create.
—Roger Barnett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer : Shaklee
18 years ago I was introduced to a company that would change my life as well as the life of my family. You can read the story here.
Since then I have felt an obligation to tell others about this opportunity, not only for health but also for asset buidling and a career income for now and into the future.
Why did I choose Shaklee and why do others do the same?
* Health and Wellness: With Shaklee being the #1 Natural Nutrition company in the US, Shaklee products can transform your health , helping you build a foundation of health and natural solutions to your health concerns.
* Income and Tax benefits: Shaklee’s busines model gives you an opportunity to build a business, be your own boss and realize the tax benefits of ownership. Shaklee helps you create asset income and a residual income from consumable quality products.
* Freedom and Flexibity:The idea of having your own business, setting your own hours, working when and where you want, Shaklee is truely a business that gives you the flexibility that you will love. With todays’ technology, it is a mobile business that does not tie you down to one location.
* Lifestyle and travel: This is a big one for me as I started to watch others who were succesful in Shaklee and the lifestyle that this afforded them. I have earned 9 all expenses paid trips while I have share Shaklee with others. It’s been hard work but work that has benefited me and my family with fun and life changing opportunities to travel and see parts of the world I have never seen before.
It is an incredible opportunity and one I am forever grateful for. See my story here.
I tell others that the Shaklee opportunity is 3 pronged too.
Products: Life giving and changing top quality products that will help you and everyone live a healthier life.
Income: An Income opportuinty from just a few $ a month to real career and asset income.
Community: I can’t say enough about this. A community of like minded people who are on a mission to help people live their best lives. I don’t say that lightly. This is truly a place where you can find a passion, use your skills and reap the rewards.
So if you are a nurse and are looking for a way to use your skills for helping others with their health and build a home based business, contact me.
If you are a teacher who wants to use their skills for teaching and training others and build a business on your time not your bosses, this may be for you.
If you are looking foward to retirement but looking for something for your next stage of life and it needs to be fun, and meaningful and scalable, contact me today.

Hightlights from trips