Why Supplement? March is National Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month. Many ask why supplement in the first place. I eat healthy, I avoid fast food. Why supplement??? Up to 90% of Americans are lacking key nutrients in our diets. With busy lives and food choices that are less than ideal, it is hard to get the essential nutrients we need…
Is it Worth it?
This week is National Eating Disorder Week. You can learn more here on their great website. As my daughter mentioned this to me last night, I reflected back to a recent parent support group that my husband and I attended. As many of you know our daughter has been struggling through an Eating disorder for…
Supplements to help you have a Healthy Heart
Two-thirds of the US population should be concerned about their blood pressure. Living with blood pressure outside of the normal range may increase the risk of heart disease. This condition is referred to as a ‘silent killer’ by The American Heart Association because most people do not know their numbers and have no idea they’re…
Game Day Recipes
It’s the BIG GAME on Sunday. Being that I grew up in New England, I certainly know who I am cheering for. While many will be enjoying the game with friends and food and fun, I thought I’d share a few favorite recipes. Of course they are on the healthy side and yummy all at…
Lose the Clutter and Lighten your Load
Did you know that losing weight and getting organized are the top 2 goals that people that set every year? No doubt that the beginning of each year is a time to pause and reset your goals and plans. Several years ago I was featuring customers and networking friends who had experience with Shaklee products.…
Sunshine Vitamin : Vital to Health
It is true that 80% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. And when that happens we have a lower mood, less energy, and pose a risk for heart disease and failure. Your immunity can be low so you catch colds more readily. I have known people to get fractures more often and…