Did you know that losing weight and getting organized are the top 2 goals that people that set every year? No doubt that the beginning of each year is a time to pause and reset your goals and plans.
Several years ago I was featuring customers and networking friends who had experience with Shaklee products. I asked them some questions about what they liked about Shaklee and then gave them a chance to speak about their businesses. I learned a lot and enjoyed featuring their businesses on my blog. I am beginning to do that again. Here is one of the past blog posts from my friend Diane’s Kitchen and meal prep business called Entree Kitchen.
I recently met with a friend who my Personal trainer friend Nancy Nance knows who is a professional organizer. Her name is Cathy and she has a business called Open Space Organizing . We sat down for a cup of coffee the other day and shared about how we help people get what they want.
Cathy Feltz the founder of Open Space Organizing is a current member of NAPO and has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1994 in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. As a counselor, she is skilled at helping others to identify behaviors they wish to change, barriers that interfere with change, and creating plans to effect that change. We have a passion for assisting others to become more organized and productive, both personally and professionally.
As she organizes she cleans, as she cleans she organizes. Cathy has seen that many who are cluttered in their homes are not always happy with their health.
I shared with Cathy the cleaning products that SHaklee offers in the Get Clean line. So many love Basic H2 , the non-toxic cleaning product. It is super concentrated and you mix it with water in certain concentrations depending on what you are cleaning.
Cathy loves the idea of taking the Wipes with her on appointments to help as they clean the clutter.
As she shared all that with me I found it interesting that I do the same thing with my wellness business representing the Shaklee product line. As I ask questions of my friends and potential customers those are things I ask about.
**If you’d like to change one thing about your health, what would it be?
**What have you tried before to change? What as worked? What has not worked?
**What seems to stop you along the way of improving your health or current situation?
**Are you open to recommendations that I can make, backed by science and research if it may help you feel better each and every day?
Cathy talked about how she works with her clients. She mentioned that she approaches her time with others in a non judgmental way. Many may not be organized and that’s ok. Some have an event happen in their lives or have so much going on in their everyday lives that organizing is the last thing on their list. She loves educating her clients and showing them how creating a system for organizing and finding a place for everything can promote a sense of calm in our homes and our lives.
Isn’t that true in our lives with health and nutrition? We are busy. We get hungry . We need ot eat. We grab what is easy , fast and quick. Now if we are not organized, have not shopped for healthy options for our meals, we are likely to go through a drive thru to pick something up or garb the things that closest to us at home which many times turns out to be not so good. Lot of fast food, processed foods and grab and go snacks and meal are not our healthiest options.
Shaklee has come great option for ‘grab and go’ meal replacements.
I love the Shaklee smoothies for a quick and nutritious meal. Packed full of lean protein, the shakes provide 23 grams of protein, fiber and probiotics that help you be satisfied as you go on with your day. Order some today.
Meal replacements have been shown to be a great way to stay on track with your eating. With the Shaklee 180 smoothies, they have a prorietary blend of Leucine that helps you retain muscle mass and burn the fat away. If you have tried other shakes before, I encourage you to be open to the 180 Shake. They are SO good and so very effective in keeping you full , satiating your appetite and helping you slim down the right way.
As Cathy and I follow up with our customers after a few weeks of starting on products or having the organizing done, we both ask them what is going right. We also ask them what is not working so well. We know that habits are hard to break and establishing new ones can take time.
So don’t give up that first month when you find some clutter where it should not be. Just redo the stack and regroup and give your self some grace.
If you don’t take your vitamins every day and miss a few days of shakes or have a few cookies one evening while watching tv, that’s ok. A vitamin every few days is better than none at all. Adding a Shake during the week while you work and not during the weekends is fine.
Its’ all about the balance and finding a system that works well for you and feels right. That is what Cathy says as well.
If you are looking for a way to start with Shaklee smoothies, I love the Shaklee Starter kit. It is on special now through the end of February.
I encourage you to contact Cathy if you are looking find a new system for organizing.
She is sure to help you find a better and more efficient way of staying on top of organizing.
You can also attend a meeting we having coming up in March called:
Lose the Clutter & Shed the Weight
March 8th at 7:00pm
It will be held in Wheaton, IL.
If you are interested, go ahead and reach out to us for the address and more details. We would love to have you join us for this informative hour. Healthy refreshments served of course.
If you are looking to clean out your pantry and find healthier alternatives, contact me today.
I offer a FREE Pantry Makeover where I educate you on what you have and show you some great yummy healthy alternative.