This is the time of the year that many are making resolutions to lose weight. It can be a challenge to find a program that works for you but in the end the simple solution is eat less and move more. The Shaklee 180 program with the nutritionally rich protein shakes and bars for meal replacements along with other bars, teas and supplements is a clinically proven and effective program . You can read more about the program and see a couple success stories here.
You can visit our site for purchasing Shaklee products here.
As we begin losing weight , because of the shift in our food consumption, there can be shifts in energy and stamina. There are a couple supplements that can help to fill in the gap and keep us energized during weight loss. Of course I trust and represent the Shaklee product line for the purity and potency of the products. We love the Shaklee Difference.
- Multi-Vitamin Vita Lea : Multi vitamins are an essential building block to health. Just as we want to build our homes on a good foundation, a great comprehensive multi helps us build our health on a strong foundation. Vita lea from Shaklee is more complete with vitamins and minerals than more leading brands on the market today. We look at the multis as filling in the gals where our diets fall short. And with changing our eat patterns, the gaps sometimes can be wider and more important to fill in order for us to feel energetic and vibrant.
Vita Lea from Shaklee comes in a Mens, Women’s and Gold formula, customized for the specific needs of the male and female and those over their 50’s.
2. B complex: We burn our B vitamins off when we are under stress, eat processed foods. Sugar depletes B vitamins as does alcohol and refined carbs. When we are depleted in B’s, our moods are low, energy low, we can be irritable, nervous, fatigued, depressed with headaches. Yikes. Add trying to change your eating patterns and it’s not good. Shaklee’s B complex is a blend of the B vitamins. Like good family members, B vitamins work more effectively together than seperately. To get all eight B vitamins you must eat a diet full of a variety of whole grains, dark green veggies and salads. Consider supplementing when you are not getting enough in your diet. Adding 2-4 B complex a day….2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon when the cravings and fatigue hit can make a HUGE different. I like to tell others to take 2 b complex with a big glass of water. Wait 20-30 minutes and see who your cravings are then.
3. Metabolic boost: This is a wonderful product to have with you during your weight loss journey. Recommended to be taken with each meal, Metabolic boost is a special blend of chromium, vanadium and banada leaf extract to help keep metabolism working hard and strong and retain the normal blood sugar levels which can keep your energy level from getting too low and control cravings.
Take one tablet with each meal or smoothie that you have.
There are many more nutrients that can be helpful for over all health and vitality. Keep it simple with these 3 at least during your journey to a healthier weight.
Janeen and Dan have had great results. stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Janeen 3 years later. See there story here.
2 of these 3 products are in the special Shaklee 180 Starter kit, available for a limited time only. Consider ordering this here For just $150 you will have a great place to start on your way to a healthier weight.
I do recommend that you consider a comprehensive vitamins regimen like the Life Strip or the Vitalizer. Comprehensive, patented and complete, they help you establish a smart supplementation program that sets you up for feeling younger and healthier longer.
Don’t know where to begin? Contact Moyra at Gorski Wellness for help. We offer a FREE 1 hour phone consultation for question to be answered and recommendations to be made to set you up for feeling and looking great today and beyond.
Excellent post; look forward to the conclusion. Amazing blog, Thanks for this. I really happy to read this post.
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Adding these supplements in your weight loss plan would be really helpful to achieve the goal. I will definitely recommend these. Thanks and keep sharing.