This the season for thanks.
I am grateful each day when I wake up for the roof over the head, my family and my dogs who usually slumber with me each night. I think sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives we lose site of all of our blessings.
What are you Thankful for?
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**First off I am thankful for my family. I have been blessed with 4 wonderful children and a loving husband. They range from age 21 down to 13 years of age. Although there have been some challenges through the years with parenting, health and decision making, I feel blessed to call this my family.The kids get along with each other and although some are away from home, they seem to keep in touch with each other, a least a little bit. My husband works tirelessly to provide for us. He and I have been committed to providing a good life for our kids, with opportunities and activities that lead to providing fond memories of time spent together.
**I am thankful for my health. As I settle into my 53rd year of life, I feel better today than I have before. I have energy and sleep well. I am not on any prescription medications and I have gotten a clean bill of heath this year. My did have a bit of a scare when I had my annual mammogram in the fall. The test revealed some calcification that lead to a biopsy. The test revealed benign little spots and I was told to not worry, keep doing what I was doing and return in a year for another checkup. Very thankful for that. My son and husband used to suffer terrible seasonal allergies and breathing issues. They do not suffer any more. Shaklee products have helped us remove the toxins from our home, have less injuries and more endurance in sports and avoid the annual colds and flues that most suffer. I trust the products I take along with my family. Each day I try to make it a priority to follow a smart supplement program. I fin I feel better if I start my day that way.
**I am thankful for a company I can trust. 16 years ago I was introduced to Shaklee.That has truly changed my life and the life of my family forever. You can read more about my story here. Our family uses so many of the Shaklee products and enjoy great health benefits from all of them. I have shared what I love with others and that was the start of my business. I represent and stand behind these products because the company goes far beyond any other supplement or health and wellness company that i know of with their testing, research and science. Each year Shaklee conducts over 100, 000 quality tests on their product to ensure they are safe, free of contaminants and contain the correct amount of nutrients as stated on the label and that has been tested clinically effective for the consumer.
I love that Shaklee follows their products from the raw ingredients to the finished product and tests along the way. 350 tests are performed on each new botanical ingredients for harmful things like pesticides, contamination and other residues. Shaklee has published over 125 peer reviewed studies showing the proof that their products work. Many companies I have learned quote studies and publications to prove the effectiveness of their products but in most cases have not actually run clinically tests with their own products. One of the most outstanding studies done, first of it’s kind on long term supplement usage , called the LandMark Study. You can read more here.
**I am thankful for my business. As I started to pay more attention to my health and help my family make smarter choices, we all began to live a life full of vigor and health. At that time I felt it my obligation and in my power to share what I had learned with others. That was the start of my wellness business. Fast forward to today I have a growing and thriving business filled with people who have a deep desire to help others. I have been able to stay home with my 4 active children, be involved in their lives, activities, sports and more. I have been able to travel with Shaklee, earning 7 all expensive paid trips , earn a car bonus and earn a full time income while working around my life with my family and my community. I have found a place where I feel like I have a purpose and where I was called to be. I love being able to get to know others and make suggestions for things that may be helpful for them to make a life style shift and pay attention. It’s rewarding when others give me a call or a quick text to tell me they are so thankful they are feeling better, losing a few pounds or their kids are doing better in school because they can focus more. In the meantime I have also found a community of people that is so unique and caring with a common purpose and drive.
** I am thankful for my faith. I was raised in the church and learned much about what it’s like to live a life like a Christian. In the past few years those I have learned to rely on that faith more and more. Really I think I have rediscovered what faith means to me. When we run into challenges , we can feel helpless and responsible all at once. I have found at those time the best place for me to be in on my knees, praying for guidance and strength. I am thankful that my parents introduced me to Jesus and what it means to believe. I know my faith will continue to evolve and strength as I grow and travel through life. I pray to continue to be open to what God had in store for me and my life .
I trust you all enjoy your Thanksgiving this year. I hope you find time to be with those you love and care for.
I invite you to consider thinking about the possibilities of a better life. Do you have a plan B? Have you thought about what you might do if you knew you could not fail? Are you looking for a change and want to join a grow of supportive people who are concerned about making a difference in the world.
If you are curious, please reach out. Leave a message and we can connect. I look forward to hearing from you.