Doreen is a friend and business associate of mine. I have also hired her as my business coach this last year. Our conversations have been great, her coaching and direction has caused me to think differently and stretch my ideas in different directions. Many times we think of coaching when things just aren’t working. Doreen’s moto is that even the best can be better. If you are interested in taking your business or life in a different and exciting direction, contact Doreen today.
How did you learn about Shaklee?
Years ago when I was working at A T& T, I knew a women who was working with Shaklee. I didn’t use any products then but knew of her. Then I met You! I saw Shaklee more as a household cleaning company before but learned from you more about the health and food stuff. I have done a lot of work with trying to lose weight. The nutrition piece of Shaklee has helped. I knew I needed the right type of nutrition to be successful in my weight loss. When I tried the Shakes/smoothies, they were tasty and satisfying. I found them something good and easy to have for breakfast.
What has kept you using Shaklee products?
I love the convenience of going on line to order when I need things. There is a consistent level of quality that I associate with Shaklee. I know there are less expensive options but I know that Shaklee is a good choice, a good choice for me.
Which product line is your favorite?
Definitely the Shaklee 180 line. I love the Smoothies as I said but I look for healthy snack options and like the meal bars, snack as well as the snack crisps. I would love it if Shaklee came out with other snack items, other smart and convenient options for me to choose during my busy work day. I am also looking for a protein option that I can add to fruit smoothies. (That would be the Energizing Soy Protein or Instant Soy Protein Mix. ESP comes in 2 flavors and can be added to a fruit smoothie with a vanilla or chocolate flavor. The Instant Soy Protein is unflavored and is a great addition to smoothies as well as bread, cookies, muffins and stews.)
Tell me what else I can do to help you ?
Keep the information coming. I love the newsletter that you send out each month. There is just enough information to keep me informed. I can learn about new products and relevant wellness information. I can pass that along to friends also. I need to do that more often.
Tell me about Doreen Petty Coaching:
We do Coaching in 3 categories:
1. Business Coaching and Training: Webinars, seminars, cognitive training. This is ideal for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.
2. Business Consulting and HR Consulting: this is for the small business owner who needs help being more successful.
3. Life Coaching:
My Focus for 2014; We to Me Transition: This is for the newly single persons to help them make the shift back to happy. Getting Back to Happy I call it.
All my coaching/practices are working to identify skill that can help those looking for change. We work to help people make that shift.
A local event that Doreen is involved with is coming up soon.
Check out this event if you are searching for a better relationship with your image, closet and more.