Are you on a weight loss journey? Are you enjoying the weight loss smoothies? How is it going? Are some days easier or harder?
Do you have a buddy? There are good reasons why it helps to have a buddy. Find out why with this 2-minute video>!
At Gorski Wellness we are here to support you and give you as much info and assistance that you want. But don’t discount finding a friend to be your support buddy, just don’t forget to give them permission to call you up and hold you accountable.
SUPPORT tips…I found a few more good tips from last night’s health call to share with you all!
1. WHY Shaklee180? Dr. Bruce Daggy shared how many people take a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach to losing weight (and it often doesn’t work).
With the Shaklee 180 program you get a box delivered to your home so it’s not a ‘do-it-yourself’. By providing you with some of your meals, snacks and beverages it takes away a lot opportunities for you to make a mistake when choosing your food. Make sure to visit the Healthy Weight loss page on this site to learn more and see some great success stories.
*A study done at Cornell University showed on average people make 200 choices a day on their food & beverages…THINK about it…if you go to Starbucks for example, you have several choices of coffees, which milk in your coffee, teas, sweeteners, whip cream, etc. (and that’s just for a coffee or tea drink). Here is the study if you are interested in reading it. At the same time, Shaklee does not provide all your meals like some weight loss programs might, because they think it’s important for you to learn how to make healthy choices. Personally, I love that balance Shaklee 180 provides!
2. Jacqui McCoy shared a CREATIVE way she uses the Shaklee 180 app for logging food. (here is a tutorial on how to use the APP for success) She says she logs all her food (meals & snacks) the night BEFORE. So this way she KNOWS ahead of time what she is eating and the calories every meal/snack gives her. So there is no “accidentally” going over. Not everyone needs to do it this way, but it certainly is a good idea for some of us. Jacqui shared how simple it is that day because she will look at her app and know what her snack is for the day or what she’s making for lunch.
Again, she really feels tracking your food on the Shaklee 180 APP is key to the program.

Moyra and Jacqui McCoy at a Shaklee Global Convention in Las Vegas.
3. Another idea is if you have an exceptional week to repeat that week! (brilliant Jacqui!)…and if you have a setback week then go back and see where you need to make modifications so you don’t make the same mistake. Remember not to be too hard yourself, there will be setbacks, BUT there will also be successes if you keep moving forward!
Find your success today or contact Gorski Wellness to set up a FREE consultation. Let us help you start your road to better health and a healthier weight today.
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