In June of this past year I was contacted by Shaklee and asked if I would be willing to participate in a test market of the new skin care line that they were launching later in the summer. Of course I said yes although I had really loved the results I had been getting with the Enfuselle Skin care line that Shaklee had had recently. I enjoyed an evening of my skin tone, less redness and a softening of fine lines and wrinkles. I do always love to learn about what is new, especially Shaklee so I said I would participate.
I am sure glad I did.
We were to take a before picture, use the products exclusively for 60 days and then take an after picture. We were only told how to use the products not what was in them or how they were working to improve our skin. We weren’t even told the name of the products. I started using them. (truth be told i was a little hesitant to not use my much loved, best $20 you can spend eye cream that I used from Enfuselle: Check it out here. )
Within a few days I was feeling a difference. When I got up in the morning, my skin felt great. I was used to my morning skin feeling a bit grimy and needing a quick wash before going to workout or on with my day. Not now. My face was feeling softer.
With in 2 or 3 weeks I was noticing that some of my line and wrinkles were softening and looking less. Loved that.
I continued on. The products smelled fresh. They did not sting or make my skin react. All the products absorbed quickly and thoroughly, leaving my skin feeling and looking fresh . The changes were subtle but I was definitely seeing some difference. What was also cool was that people were starting to notice, too. I was walking the dogs and ran into a neighbor. As we were finishing the walk later she looking at me at and said, “I don’t know what you’ve been doing but you look great.” I told her about my new summer skin care regimen
As I attended the Shaklee Global Conference in August I learned about what I had been using all summer. I was thrilled to know that the brand was called Youth as I knew my skin was feeling and looking more youthful.
I was thrilled to learn that not only were fellow distributors testing the products in their lives, Shaklee had also conducted clinical studies and the results were incredible.
100%…..Yes 100% of the women in the study had clinically proven younger looking skin.
Not only that but Shaklee had joined with key skin experts to create a Skin Age Index. The index is measure the appearance of key signs of again with factual clinical date. As we age our skin wrinkles, sags, looses firmness, radiance, the pore size changes and the skin tone looks uneven and more. As the clinical participants had their skin observed, 2/3 of them actually shifted their skin age back a decade. 10 years yes !! that’s incredible.
I learned more. I knew that there were all kinds of skin care products on the market. I knew that many worked and many did not show any results. I also knew that many contained chemicals and questionable ingredients. I know that Skin is our largest organ and although many don’t think about it, We really should pay attention very closely to what we put on our face, our whole body actually. Shaklees Youth Products are FREE of more than 2500 questionable ingredients. WOW!!! that’s a lot . That made me feel wonderful and completely safe when using this new product line that I loved.
What else I love about this Youth Product line is the ease of use. With 4 easy steps in the morning and the same at night, It’s easy for me to stick with this routine. It’s especially easy to stick with it as well when I see the radiant results that I am seeing on my skin. It’s easy for me to wash my face at night, removing the grim and dirt from the day when I remember how subtle and soft my skin feels as i drop into bed and even rise in the morning.
Click through to visit my online store for ordering
I’ll spend another Blog posting talking about all the products and why they work, how they work and all the wonderful botanical that they include that help them make us all look more youthful. In the mean time, visit my online Youth site and learn more and order your Youth today.
What were my results?
take a look below.
Don’t you love it?
I love the brightness that my complexion now has.
I love the subtle changes and the lack of oiliness of my skin.
I love instead the softening of line and wrinkles, the youthful appearance my skin as.
I love that I don’t have to layer on lots of foundation or makeup of any kind to cover up blemishes or imperfections that I am not happy with. I don’t have any or at least too many.
I love the look of my skin now. And i love that Youth is helping my look more youthful every day.
How about you?
Are you ready to look more Youthful? Are you ready for a change?
You will be happy you did.

Enjoying my teammate Harper in Atlanta: Youthful and Beautiful
Good post! I buy Babor cosmetics in my favorite pharmacy in Podgorica, Montenegro. They have great products.
Im glad you have found products you like. What type of skin care products do they have?
Good post! I buy Babor cosmetics in my favorite pharmacy in Podgorica, Montenegro. They have great products.
Ive never heard of those products before in the US. What do you like about them.