There have been so many complaining already about allergies this spring. Seems like of early as we just had some snow here a few days ago.
I used to dread this season, as well as many do. My oldest son had terribly allergies that plagued him through most of the year. He would also have boughs of asthma and need the assistance of an inhaler to manage his breathing and steroids.
15 years ago someone challenged be to think a little differently and consider adding Shaklee supplements, changing our cleaning supplies to something less toxic and irritating and make some changes in our sons diet, most importantly decreasing the sugar intake significantly. We were also introduced to chiropractic and homeopathic care.
Those changes changed our son’s life forever. He is now an 19 year old college sophomore, playing competitive hockey and living a healthy allergy and asthma free life.
Want to hear more and talk about solutions for you or your family? Contact me today
Prior to learning about Shaklee and preventative care, Paul our son struggled to be a healthy, happy kid.
He spent a good deal of time on my lap, as in the picture below.
The changes we made were simple as I look back on it now… but it seemed difficult at the time. As a young mom I was searching for answered and felt so frustrated when what I thought was the right thing to do did not work. We are creatures of habit plus we often make decisions based on recommendations from other moms. What my friend was proposing I do was different than any other option I had heard.
But I was willing to give it a try. I just wanted my son to get better and live a healthy life.
This is what I did:
1. Changed all cleaning supplies to non-toxic products. That included household cleaners, laundry as well as the dish soap. I learned that many products have a fragrance but those are just scents to cover up the harmful chemicals that can trigger respiratory reactions. Here is one of many articles talking about common household cleaners triggering asthma issues. I learned that even the laundry products that we were using were not rinsing clean and leaving a residue in the clothes and sheets. Those clothes seemed to smell good but I learned that all that exposure on the clothes and bedding could really cause respiratory irritation.
2. Add Supplementation: The immune system needs to be strong to fight off diseases. The immune system is weakened with lack of proper nutrients, lack of sleep and exposure to germs and toxins. We added a daily multi vitamin/ multi mineral to my son’s daily regimen. I also learned that 75 % of our immune system is in our gut. The good bacteria in our intestinal system can get disrupted when you take antibiotics, are on birth control or steroids and when we eat processed foods and too much sugar. Taking a good probiotic gives you the good bacteria that your immune system needs to be healthy. We also added
Optiflora: A powerful probiotic that helps to populate the good bacteria in the intestinal system.
3. Vitamin C: Vitamin C has been known by many to improve immune function. We used the chewable kinds when we began with Paul as he was 5 years old. He now can swallow that Vitamin C. The body can only absorb 100 mg at a time so the chewable formula is 100 mg per tablet. The other option is called Sustained Release C of 500 mg . It releases the vitamin c over a 6-hour period of time, gently so your body can absorb it properly.
4. Changed our diet…namely removing sugar. It is hard to tell a 5 year old that they cannot have any more sugar but we made these changes to help all of us. We learned that there are healthier versions of some of the kids favorite things like cereals, fruit snacks, yogurts and even ice creams and desserts. I visited health food stores and asked a lot of questions. I found one locally that I love called Nutrition Network. All the ladies are SO helpful in finding good alternative for meals, snack and drinks. We now have many fresh fruits and vegetables at each and every meal. We all enjoy salad, which I try to have at each dinner meal here, filled with many green and colorful vegetables.
I learned how to make these yummy peanut balls. We all enjoy these in our house everyday. It’s a great choice for a quick snack day or evening.
The recipe is simple:
- 1 c. soy protein powder: I use Energizing Soy protein or the LIfe Shake protein
- 1 c. natural peanut butter
- ½ honey
Mix well and form into balls. Refrigerate and enjoy.
5. We have also made regular visits to chiropractors in the area. We have tried many but the ones that have helped the most are those who supplement a strong supplement regimen along with regular chiropractic adjustments. Some also have ways to test for allergies or at the very least food and allergen sensitivities. That has helped us know the foods to avoid that are not well tolerated by us.
Many choose other supplements from the local stores or other online sources but what I do know is that Shaklee is my trusted brand. The company was found by a chiropractor Dr. Shaklee who aimed to blend science with nature. They manufacture high quality supplements that have the highest stand of quality and purity that I have found. They have over 100 peer reviewed studies published which not only means much time and effort has been put into research but money as well and the studies were reviewed by 3rd parties.
I have come to learn that Shaklee has never had a product recall or class action lawsuit so in this crazy world of product recalls, harmful ingredients found in vitamins I know I can trust Shaklee to be safe not only for my family but for those friends and family that I recommend it to. The Shaklee difference as we call it really does make a difference.
Simple changes Yes. It sounds simple but I know it was not easy. I know it took good couple years to see Paul with a very strong immune system where there were no allergy symptoms or issues with breathing. Today he is a strong and healthy college student, rarely sick and full of endurance and stamina to keep up with a high level of competitive hockey play and excel at his college classes. As we packed up my son for his first year of college, he had his requests for the Shaklee supplements that he currently uses. I was hopeful that he would take them, once away from a coaxing mom. But just last week he sent a text asking me to order a couple Shaklee products that he had run out of. That’s a good sign.
Paul, Tyler, Anna and Tommy: Summer 2013
Contact me today if you would like assistance making some changes in your health. I offer a free 1 hour consultation to review your health concerns and make recommendation about which products might be right for you.
I look forward to hearing from you today.
Be well.